Bloom is the women's ministry at New Life. 
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Bloom host events throughout the year including women's socials and Bloom Conference. Don't miss these events!

Women's Conference 2024

Women's Mentorship Class

This class is meant to be a group of women that will support each other, pray for one another and lift each other up. This class is meant to be a space for vulnerability and sanctuary. You’ll be challenged to look within yourself and discover the way God sees you.  


Women's Mentorship Class - Lois Pittman
The Women's Mentorship class taking place this Fall season. This is a very special opportunity and it will be absolutely worth it. The registration date will be announced soon!
Women's Mentorship Class - Kayla Patterson
Women's Mentorship Class - Jen Shaffer
Women's Mentorship Class - Simone Oliveira

share your testimony with us!
What has God done for you?